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SI am Paulina Etchart. Native of Argentina. I loved and inhabited Patagonia. I have lived in Peru for 8 years.


I developed as a healer and teacher of physical and energetic healing therapies for 13 years. Here, in Peru, I had the fortune to study Family Constellations with Master Enrique García from Mexico, under the wing of Apael, Peruvian Association of Existential Analysis and Logotherapy and the ICME Institute of Constellations of the Movement of the Spirit of Mexico.


Then I trained as a Didactic Constellator, with Master Enrique García, certified by the ICME Mexico - Peru. Since 2017 I have served Life as a Family Constellator.


Merging the Constellations with other areas of knowledge such as shamanism, astrology, biodance, and Andean healing sounds. He developed his own method of Individual Constellations that is applied daily accompanying brothers from different parts of the world.


I teach healing workshops through the Constellations applying various modalities such as: Constellations of the Movement of the Spirit, Quantum, Shamanic, Reconstructive Constellations, Social Constellations, Organizational, Nature Constellations, Astrological, Biocentric, etc. I am a Mother, Grandmother, Healer, Constellator. And so I honor Life. I also accompany healing processes through Master Plants.

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