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Ayahuasca is a traditional medicine used by the shamans of the Amazon since ancient times. It is made through the decoction of a vine that grows in the jungle (Ayahuasca, from which the concoction takes its name), along with the leaves of another plant, Chacruna. The result is a potion with strong healing power. Upon entering the body, the substance, which mainly contains DMT, produces —among other effects— alterations in perception and cognition that allow certain doors that our brain had closed to open, in most cases as a self-defense mechanism. In this way, we can bring to consciousness the traumas and conflicting experiences that have happened throughout our lives, many of which our conscious part hides under the rug as if it never existed, so that we do not have to live with that. pain . What happens is that it is still there, unknowingly conditioning many aspects of our existence, of our relationship with others and with ourselves.


Opening up to the Ayahuasca experience allows us to release this information, bringing healing and self-knowledge of our own soul.



Used as a traditional remedy in the Amazon, kambô is the common name used in South America to refer to the skin secretions of Phyllomedusa bicolor, a tree frog that inhabits certain parts of the Amazon rainforest. These secretions are characteristic of the Phyllomedusa family and have traditionally been used as medicine by indigenous tribes, such as the Katukina, Yawanawa, Cashinahua and Matsés. Traditionally, the purpose of this practice—often referred to as rana, kambô, or sapo—is to induce deep cleansing of the body and soul, to cure panama for strength, and to cure other illnesses.


Bufo Alvarius

The ritual use of Bufo alvarius/Incilius alvarius Girard, colloquially called "toad", can be considered as one of the practices that make up part of the subculture of users of psychoactive substances, and that is expanding towards other sociocultural sectors. The secretion contained in its parotid glands located in the neck, the crook of the elbow and the groin is made up of various chemical compounds, among which twenty-one alkaloids have been found, of which approximately eleven are tryptamines.


By inhaling this medicine, the ego disappears and at this moment we can enter a kind of very deep introspection that can heal and expand consciousness.

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Sananga treats and prevents eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism and blindness. When using Sananga medicine, you will feel a stinging sensation in your eyes, this stimulates tears, releasing toxins and energy blockages to focus on the true essence of life. Sananga helps us to look at life through the heart. Treats spiritual illnesses ("panema") caused by negative energies in the body. These spiritual illnesses can build up in a person's energy body and cause a person to be depressed and anxious.



The temazcal is a steam bath used in Mesoamerica for hygienic, ritual, therapeutic and spiritual purposes. The word temazcal comes from the Nahuatl word "temazcalli", (temaz-sweat, calli-house); its literal translation would be "house of sweat".


The temazcal is a kind of generally round hut that is between two and four meters in diameter and does not exceed one and a half meters in height, with a tiny opening that serves as an entrance door. In some cases it has a burner (tlexictli), where the firewood that heats the enclosure is placed through a wall, and in others (when they are located on land outside the houses), a large bonfire is made where the wood is heated. stones and containers with water and medicinal herbs. This sacred fire represents the god of the sun, whose fertilizing and creative energy heats the volcanic stones.


Often a circle of stones with objects representing the ancestors is also placed to recognize the spiritual presence of the grandparents. The temazcal played an important role in the social and religious life of the Mexican people for a long time, these architectural structures and above all, the ritual that was carried out there, came to be considered one of the most relevant ceremonies for various indigenous cultures, mainly of Mesoamerica and North America.

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hoj de coca

Reading of Coca leaf

The reading of the coca leaf in Cusco is a means of communication, we can affirm that they guess, predict the future and interpret destiny. The Incas consulted and were guided through the readings of coca leaves. It is currently used to make a diagnosis of your personal status. In this way, their problems are identified and a practical and intelligent solution is given; It is very useful before an Ayahuasca ceremony. The Shaman is a channel that communicates with the astral or divine world through coca leaves. This ancestral practice allows you to find answers to your questions; some people consult luck, love, health, work, family, spirituality and others. The coca leaf reading is very good guidance for those who will do an Ayahuasca retreat.


The Readings or oracles are performed by specialty Shamans. The Andean Priests connect with the spirit (sacred mother) or alma mater of the divine plant. The Priests communicate through a mysterious power in a higher conscious state. This practice was carried out ancestrally by the first cultures in South America, cultures older than the Incas. The Masters are specialized in coca leaf reading, they come from Queros, Ausangate, Paucartambo and other regions of Cusco-Peru. The Ayahuasca ceremony in Cusco can greatly benefit from the revelations of the coca leaf reading.



A flowering bath is a ritual that, as its name suggests, consists of a cleansing and purification bath in which various herbs, flowers and medicinal plants are used in combination with water to achieve a beneficial effect on people's health. It is carried out within the field of natural, alternative and holistic medicine, which has a comprehensive vision of health, according to which well-being depends not only on the state in which the body is, but also on its connection with nature. mind and emotions.


The objective of this traditional practice in our country is to free yourself from negative energies and fill yourself with positive energies that allow you to successfully achieve your goals in the different aspects of your life.

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Hongos Psilocibina

The Psilocybe genus is the group associated with hallucinogenic mushrooms used since ancient times in sacred ceremonies. It is widely distributed throughout the world and its number ranges between 277 and 300 species. ​


Psychoactive substances are considered secondary or specialized metabolites (alkaloids, terpenes and flavonoids among others). They are those chemical compounds that are capable of changing the way the mind works, such as altering sensations of pain and pleasure, mood, consciousness, perception, the ability to think and be creative, alertness and other psychological functions



Wachuma or San Pedro, is the same species of cactus and its scientific name is: Tricocereus pachanoi, this is a master plant known by several healers as "Wachuma" acquired the name of the saint who carries the keys that open the doors of heaven and opens the doors of your soul reaching the subconscious to be able to release all your affections. This cactus grows naturally in the Andes of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador.


The Huachuma has the possibility of providing a connection with archetypes or dominants of the collective unconscious. This powerful medicine can lead to states of consciousness in which unconscious complexes rooted in the individual can be dissolved.


Traditionally it has also come to be related to the lunar phases.


Khuyay makes use of this ancestral medicine as part of the Ayahuasca Retreats. The San Pedro is used as a complement to the use of Ayahuasca. According to the way we use this medicine, the San Pedro ritual is only performed after going through a cleansing process with Ayahuasca medicine.​

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